A perfect middle ground for Europe’s digital transformation

Identity Valley and the Bavarian State Ministry for Digital Affairs hosted a face-to-face-event in Brussels.

Europe is looking for means to shape the digital transformation of society in its own humanist way. Civil societies like Identity Valley and their guidelines for a human-centered approach for the virtual space – the Digital Responsibility Goals or DRGs – are an important contribution to this cause.

Unkel am Rhein/Brussels, March 22nd 2023 – In the evening of March 8th roughly 200 guests heeded the call to listen to a series of talks titled: “Digital Responsibility. From Bavaria. For Europe.” The event took place at the premises of the Mission of the Representation of the Free State of Bavaria to the European Union – just around the corner of the European Parliament itself.
Moderated by Silke Wettach of the „Wirtschaftswoche“, the Bavarian State Minister for Digital Affairs Judith Gerlach, the Chairwoman of the CSU-Europegroup (EPP) in the European Parliament Prof. Dr. Angelika Niebler, as well as the founder of the private initiative Identity Valley Jutta Juliane Meier, took the stage. Their talks were followed up by an inspiring panel discussion.

From Bavaria to Europe
„How to preserve the European way of life in the wake of a digital transformation of society surely is a question of culture“, said Angelika Niebler, member of the European Parliament and patron of the event. She continued: „Concerning the handling of data we aim to find a humanist middle ground between the overly profit-oriented US model and the state-driven approach of China”, she concludes. In this regard, guiding principles like Identity Valley’s Digital Responsibility Goals are very important. An assessment shared and expressed by the Minister of State Judith Gerlach in her opening words: „Digital Transformation is not a force of nature, only to be observed in awe. We ourselves can and must decide its course. We are doing this by means of the Bavarian Digital Plan. And this is also why we rely on the Digital Responsibility Goals as a superimposed framework for our human-centered digital transformation. From Bavaria. For Europe. “

Digital Responsibility
„Our Digital Responsibility Goals are a simple and powerful signposts for everyone participating in the virtual space“, says Jutta Juliane Meier, founder and CEO of Identity Valley. „They consist of seven goals for responsible and – more importantly – humane interaction with one another and with our data, she continues. „Human centered – economical – European.“ They are supposed to act as guidelines in addition to regional, national and European regulations. Ultimately they should also have a global impact. Supplementing European legislation the DRGs will achieve a clear added-value for our societies and while preserving traditional European values in a globalised world.

How timely the topic „digital responsibility“ is became evident when the panel discussion started following the key-note speeches. Numerous representatives of politics, the civil society, science and industry joined the lively discussion. Questions were asked, standpoints were defined, and future scenarios were laid out. This exchange of ideas continued well into the subsequent reception. „Digital Responsibility. From Bavaria. For Europe.“ ended in the late hours of the evening.

Corporate Data Identity Valley
The non-profit organisation Identity Valley was founded in Munich in 2020. It brings together business, politics, science, and the citizens of Europe. Identity Valley demands and promotes humanist, dignified and responsible interaction of all entities involved in the digital space. The preservation of identity constitutes the focus of its efforts. Identity Valley is led by Jutta Juliane Meier, an expert in the field of digitization. She draws from a sounding board consisting of pioneers of science as well as economic visionaries. The ecosystem of Identity Valley organizations such as FESTO, the BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt, eco – Verband der Internetwirtschaft e.V., the Alliance4Europe, the Bayern Innovativ GmbH as well as Institutions like Medical Valley, the Parmenides Foundation/Center for Digital Humanism, the Max-Planck-Institut für Innovation und Wettbewerb or the Machine Learning and Data Analytics Lab of the FAU Erlangen. Identity Valley offers networks, lobbying, communications and acts on its values of honesty, freedom, justice, individuality, integrity, responsibility and tolerance. Since 2022 the initiative is based in Unkel am Rhein – the birthplace of its founder.

Further information can be found at: www.identityvalley.org